Cadieux's Corner

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Gimpy eyes!

This is a picture of me as a kid.......Actually I'm lying its my son Noah, but it is pretty much how I looked as a kid. I got glasses when I was in grade 1, apparently my parents finally clued in on me standing a inch from the T.V and getting lost due to lack of sight as signs of me having piss poor vision. Noahs size of face to size of glasses scale ratio is about accurate to what my was growing up, as I'm sure my parents told the eye Doctor, " Get him the biggest possible lens,make sure they cover most of his face and spare no expense, we want him to look good!" Unfortunately the looking good part got lost in translation but atleast I could now see. And so life with glasses that got thicker by the year started, and by grade 4-5 I officially reached the "popbottle" stage of lens that most kids dread. Some of the life with horrible vision down falls were the following

- Going swimming and having to take off your glasses and seeing basically nothing, and then having to walk up to about 2" to somebody to tell if it was somebody you knew or just a buoy in the water

- Having to hear the following lines over and over
- I wouldn't hit a guy with glasses (actually I didn't mind that one)
- I'm going to make your glasses into permanent contacts
- Why are your glasses so thick? You look like a idiot!
- Sorry, I'm not allowed to date guys with glasses thicker than 1''
- Clean your glasses!
- Can you start a fire with those things?

- Having recurring dreams of waking up and not finding my glasses, then waking myself up to try and find them the whole time yelling, "where's my glasses.............Where's my glasses" and then having every one in the room start laughing and mocking you.(mind this only happen when there was other people around.)

And I also would like to make a small list of the nicknames I have picked up over the years

- Foureyes
- Cokebottles
- Gimpy eyes
- The guy that wears those thick glasses and doesn't comb his hair

Then there was the day that I finally got contacts and I instantly became the coolest guy.............Actually the only thing that changed was, I could now see at the swimming pool and people didn't recognize me at my 10 year high school reunion. Other than that and a forever lasting foureyes complex I will never get over, things are pretty much the same.


  • At 3:47 PM, Blogger ---HockeyDude--- said…

    I would've been your friend despite your imparidness !
    You've always been a pal to me despite my NOT being able to stop "quickly" while skating !
    I would even go Stu Grimson on the next guy who acosts you for your looks, even if he/she is the size of Georges Laraque. Nevermind, You're "a1" in my books.
    I'll take Samson under careful consideration

  • At 8:33 PM, Blogger Char said…

    At least you had glasses, we didn't realize until too late that I needed them.

    By then, I had been hit by so many different types of balls in every sport imaginable that I opted out of playing at all.

    In grade seven I won an actual award for most creative excuses to avoid playing games in Gym class!!

    By the time I got the glasses, I was hopeless and didn't know any of the rules to any of the games.

    And by golly, I bet I would've been the next sporty spice too!!!! lol!!

    Course when I got the contacts, I was the new 'hottie' in town too!! just one of those things, I guess.


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